Chicago Cosmetic Dentist Shares Dental Bridge Aftercare Tips

Tooth loss occurs for a variety of reasons such as injury, disease, decay or extraction. No matter why you have missing teeth, our Chicago cosmetic dentist provides treatment options to fix the gap in your mouth. Some people look for custom-made bridges as an affordable option for their treatment. Here’s what you need to know.
Dental Bridges
Dental bridges are often used to replace a tooth or series of teeth. This prosthetic is anchored to nearby teeth next to the missing tooth or with dental implants when needed. The bridge type you use will depend on your budget and the health of your mouth. 
Dental Bridge Care
Caring properly for your bridge is an essential part of maintaining your current health of the gums, teeth and the new dental bridge. Your regimen needs to include brushing the teeth twice a day and flossing at least once. You will be provided with a special flossing contraption to use around the dental bridge.
Your bridge is made from durable materials, but it can break. In addition to eating right and maintaining a high level of oral cleanliness, it is important that you avoid certain foods and drinks when possible. This includes:
Taffy, dried fruit, caramel or anything else sticky and chewy
Popcorn, ice, hard candies and any other hard to chew foods
Coffee, black tea, red wine, berries and any other product that will stain teeth
Hot or cold items that lead to dental sensitivity
Starchy and sugary foods which easily get stuck between teeth as they lead to tooth decay
It is also important that you don’t miss any of your dental visits. These bi-annual meetings are an important time to remove excess plaque and locate early problems. Things such as tooth decay, malocclusion and teeth grinding can all lead to additional problems with the bridge. 
If the bridge becomes dislodged or loose for some reason, call our Chicago cosmetic dentist at (773) 276-9280 right away so it can be reinforced. Even though a bridge needs consistent attention and care, you can have long-lasting results and a great future ahead. Be sure you follow all the instructions provided by our team for the best chance of success.