Important Office News From Your Logan Square Dentist

Bright Dental of Logan Square Office NewsAt Bright Dental of Logan Square, we believe in creating a relationship with our patients that goes beyond the office doors. We've specially created this section of our site to share with you important news from our Chicago family dental practice.

Dr. Kenneth Chae and Associates
Your Chicago Cosmetic Dentists

COVID-19 Update
Dear Patients,
As leaders in the healthcare profession, we must be proactive to limit the spread of this virus.
Therefore, in light of national and state mandates and restrictions that are in effect to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we have decided to cancel all elective procedures for the next 2 weeks to ensure the safety of our patients, our communities and our dental team members.  We are planning to resume normal business hours on Monday March 30.  
If you have an urgent matter please call the office first, as we are only seeing emergent patients.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and commitment to everyone’s health and safety during this difficult time. As this is a rapidly developing situation please be assured that here at Bright Dental of Logan Square we stand ready to make the best decisions for our communities, patients and dental teams.
-Bright Dental of Logan Square
Welcome Dr. Choi to our office

We are pleased to introduce Dr. Eunhee Choi DDS to our office starting November 2016. She previously practiced in Schaumburg for 15 years prior to joining our group and comes well regarded. Read about her in our "meet the Doctors" section.

Whitening gift certificate

Don't know what to get someone special for this Christmas? Does he/she have everything?

Give a gift of white gleaming smile- 20% off for you until December 22, 2014.

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